Why Here

Why Australia

The economic benefits of digital innovation to Australia are estimated to be $315 billion by 2028. Between $15-40 billion of that to be delivered by the agriculture and resources exploration and production sectors alone.

Why Queensland

There is a clear pull for robotics capability from Queensland industries, with mining and agriculture in particular seeking to unlock productivity by addressing the challenges of safety, productivity and remoteness. 


Queensland is well placed to take advantage of global trends in automation and robotics. Increased adoption of automation has the potential to transform the Queensland economy, adding $7.7 billion in gross state product (GSP) and an additional 500,000 jobs. 


In the short term, potential economic gains from automation are largest in capital heavy industries such as mining, agriculture and manufacturing. These sectors accounted for more than 20% of Queensland GSP in 2017 . 


These real world challenges provide opportunity for the development of best in class industrial robotics and remote asset management capabilities that can be exported throughout the world.